About Us
Austin Leads Network started in 1994 as the Austin Monthly Leads Group.
After the magazine was sold in 2000, the name changed to Austin Leads
Network and has continued to meet weekly. Its owner is James Long.
Contact him by phone at
784-7997 or by email
for a reservation.
Restrictions: Please
call in advance. Membership is limited to one industry professional
per group. This preserves each person's unique place in the organization,
and allows members to exchange leads freely among each other.
Guests pay $20 per visit, up to two visits. Membership dues are $75
per month, which includes all meals. There is a one-time membership
fee of $100.
Monthly Chamber Meeting:
On the last Tuesday of each month, Austin Leads Network hosts a leads
group for the Austin
Chamber of Commerce. You must be a Chamber member to join, and
there is a waiting list. |